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Registration Open
for Online and Blended Lessons
And March 2024 Workshops
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Welcome to The Pear Tree Centre for Education!

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Is your child struggling with English or Literature in school?

With over 20 years of experience and counting, and numerous students have achieved marked improvements in as little as 5 months.

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Is your child struggling with English or Literature in school?

With Over 20 years of experience and counting, we have helped students achieving their growth in as little as 5 months

    About Us    

At The Pear Tree, we work towards aiding our students to grow into:

1. Independent and Life-long Learners

2. Critical and Creative Thinkers.


Thus, we do not spoon-feed and make students rote-learners but rather nurture their innate ability to think through the learning process and internalise what they have learnt. In doing so, the students will, over time, appreciate the importance of rationalising and using information appropriately and creatively.  

In a nutshell, we would say that our concept of education relates well to the shape of the pear.


It starts off in the shape of a funnel at the top before gradually blooming out into a wholesome, rounded shape.  It demonstrates well our belief that once sufficient information and strategies are `funnelled into' the students, they will develop into thinking, creative students who will take ownership of their learning.



Secondary & Junior College

Our online courses cater towards secondary & junior college students in which are geared towards enhancing their abilities.

International Baccalaureate

Our overall objective for IB students is to enhance their critical thinking and appreciation of multiple perspectives.


Students learn to appreciate prescribed works of literature as they analyse and form opinions about these works.

Literature & English Tuition for All Levels

We have a qualified teacher with 20 Years of Experience in the field who is equipped to teach students from the various levels English and Literature.

Qualified Teacher with Proven Methodology in English & Literature

Get Free 1 Hour Trial | We are Confident with our Classes

We provide impactful tuition classes and workshops for performance focused students

About the Teacher

Dr Mary Pereira Delfin

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20 Year Experience as an educator for students, researcher in education and  educator for teachers.

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Assistant Professor (NTU-NIE)

English & Literature Teacher (Raffles Institution)

Language Arts High School Teacher (United States)

Academic Writing Tutor (Australian University)

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Researched and Developed proprietary Literature-Driven English Curriculum (LDEC) in Singapore and conducted workshops in United States, Hong Kong, Singapore, India and more on the effectiveness of the learning strategy.

Sign Up with us to get Exclusive Content 

Our newsletters will include subject-matters that range from Study Skills, Examination Confidence-Building Exercises, Grammar Rules and Short Quizzes. There will also be articles for parents and teachers.

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What our Students have to say

Read student reviews from students who have attended our English and Literature Tuition Classes and Holiday Workshops 


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'I found the class very helpful. It improved my vocabulary and grammar. My grades have improved also. The class is a small group, so it is very useful.'

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Hui Zheng

'I was failing in my Literature but after attending lessons at The Pear Tree Centre for Education, I got an A2 for my 'O' level.'

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'Dr Pereira taught me skills that are valuable not just for my examinations but to my everyday life.'


Get in touch with us!

Tel: 9373 0043

Or simply fill out this form and we'll get back to you.

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Tuition Centre Specialising in English and Literature for Students from Secondary to Junior Colleges in Singapore.







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The Tutor



© 2024 The Pear Tree Education Centre

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